PC Small Group Conference
Future-Proofing the PC: A Collaborative Effort Among PC Scholars and Practitioners
Date: 7. and 8. April 2025
Place: IIitch School of Business, Wayne State University,
Detroit, Michigan, USA
UFHRD Conference
HRD 4.0: An Academic, Practical and Policy Perspective
Paneldiskussion: Grüner Führen
Date: 11.-13. June 2025
Place: Ulster University, Belfast, Ireland
85th Annual Meeting of the
Academy of Management
Date: 25.-29. July 2025
Place: Copenhagen, Denmark
Wollen wir zusammenarbeiten?
Wenn du einen Vortrag planst, mich als Referentin buchen möchtest oder einfach ein Treffen wünscht, dann lass es mich wissen. Hier einige Themen, über die wir sprechen könnten:
- Gastvorträge in Lehrveranstaltungen (HRM, Betriebswirtschaftslehre etc.)
- Co-Autorenschaft für Forschungsaktivitäten
- Keynote Speaker bei Konferenzen, Veranstaltungen, Webinaren (z.B. Science Slam)
- Podcast-/Interview-Partnerin
Meine Vorträge richten sich an Organisationen, Initiativen oder Veranstaltungen, die einen positiven Beitrag für die Gesellschaft leisten und soziale Themen in den Vordergrund stellen. Dabei liegt es mir besonders am Herzen, diese ausschließlich in einem gemeinnützigen oder gesellschaftlich relevanten Rahmen anzubieten.
Scroll through past events
Green Leadership
Great talk on green leadership during the Grüne Woche in Berlin!
Brave New World (of Work)
Haus der Wissenschaft Braunschweig -Ortswechsel No. 16 - Sustainability
Check out this video (German).
WK Pers - or a typical academic conference in Germany
I had the pleasure of attending the autumn workshop of the WK Pers in Hanover. I presented our conceptual paper on pracademics and received valuable expert feedback, which sparked inspiring discussions and new insights. The highlight was being nominated for the Best Paper Award at my very first German-speaking conference, alongside my co-authors.
DEI & Belonging in Germany
In July 2024, as the clock ticked late into the night, I found myself involved in a great event hosted by HRNZ. I provided the cultural context and unique challenges in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in Germany and presented an overview of the effective strategies German policy makers and workplaces are implementing to foster a more inclusive environment within German organisations.
There and back again - a doctoral journey
I had the opportunity to talk about my post-DBA 'academic' career path (as an Hon Business Fellow, Worcester Business School and Deputy Head of HR, Martin Braun-Gruppe) and the impact I have made in both worlds at the PGR conference (UW) in June 2024.
The Viva Card Game - Workshop
Today the card game 🃏 was tested in a workshop at the PGR conference University of Worcester Business School. It was a great and interactive exercise and I might think about starting a business and selling it soon. Ok, you can get it for free - here!
Performance culture vs. work-life balance: How will we work in the future?
Want to know more? Click here for a summary of the panel discussion from June 2024: Epic work recap.
Pracademic's recipe for success: 5 secret ingredients for a thriving career in business and academica
During Jutta Wergen's Writing Challenge in April, I had the opportunity to talk about my everyday life as a pracademic. Participants had the opportunity to create a career board. Btw, the five secret ingredients: Identity and Role, Learning and Development, Networks, Health and Visibility.
Career-boarding - Zukunft Personal Süd
On 5 March 2024, I had the opportunity to present my research topic in the Kaminlounge at Zukunft Personal Süd: "How Career-boarding retains young talent". This session provided a wonderful platform to highlight the key challenges and opportunities that young talents experience when entering the world of work.
Work hard - play hard
After a two-year break, the Science Watch Party from the Haus der Wissenschaft finally took place again. We were invited to the 381 event location of Öffentliche Versicherung Braunschweig and watched the film "Work hard - Play hard". In a panel discussion, Dr Stefan Gründler, Sven Schmeisser and I were able to discuss the movie and the reality of today's working world.
The 1% Pleasure of Being a Pracademic
In the fast-paced world of work, collaboration between academia and practice is not just valuable - it's essential! My brother in science, Dr Joshua Haist, and I have been on this exciting pracademic journey together. And we only meet in person 1% of the time.
Human Relations Collective - event
Why don't I believe in generation management? I answered this question as part of a series of lectures organised by The most modern HR community in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
What is HR doing at a global IT event anyway?
In light of a revealing 2022 Bitkom study, which found that it takes an average of 7.1 months to fill a new position in IT, we knew it was time to bring this critical issue to the forefront. At my organisation we collaborate across departments to foster our organisational success.
Science Slam - Haus der Wissenschaft
I had the incredible opportunity to attend a Science Slam in Braunschweig, organised by Haus der Wissenschaft Braunschweig and supported by Öffentliche Versicherung Braunschweig at their fantastic event location 381.
My almuni story!
Dr Annica Lau, who explored retaining young talent in the workplace, is graduating with a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA).
Read more here!
Graduation 2023 Worcester
In 2023 I received my Doctor of Business Administration degree at the University of Worcester. That day created an everlasting memory, one that serves as a reminder of the heights that can be reached through hard work and determination.
Speaker #RC23 Festival
Yes, I was presenting my research results again and answered the question: Why do expectations change when young professionals start their career?
And by the way: My first HR Future Slam victory!
4th HRIC Conference 2023
The conference was hosted at the Sun City Convention Centre in South Africa from 31 May 2023 to 2 June 2023.
Guess what: Came back as the best presentation award winner.
Psychological Contract (PC) Small Group Conference
KEDGE Business School Bordeaux Campus - 16 May 2023 to 17 May 2023
My presentation on the data collection method: video statements.