Bridging Gaps: 

Where Theory Meets Practice

Welcome to my online space, where I share my journey as a pracademic, aiming to connect academica and practice the field of Human Resources Management. Our world of work is constantly changing, with new technologies, faster business changes and shifts in what people value, creating great challenges for organisations. Let's start this adventure together, because the best is yet to come!

My research focuses on the psychological contract, with a particular emphasis on the experiences of young professionals within the context of strategic HRM. I have evolved a unique qualitative research method for my work, which involves the use of video statements as a means of collecting rich and insightful data. 

You will find information about my pracadmic life and research interests, as well as details about the conferences I am attending and the material I am presenting. I believe in the importance of aligning theory and practice, and my goal is to share my insights and knowledge with others who are interested in HRM and related fields. I hope you find this site informative and engaging, and I welcome your feedback and questions. 


What drives my research?

"My goal is to inspire and motivate young talent to join the labor market, fostering a future where employee-employer relationships are not just productive, but harmonious, laying the foundation for a thriving professional ecosystem."


My professional background and understanding of the different HR areas has made me interested in talent and succesion management for years. Especially in the current times, we should encourage employers to take a closer look at this topic. 

With my study, I want to break down the stereotypes of Generation Z and find out what really characterises young people as they enter the workforce. It is important to note that there are no blanket recommendations for action, but rather that the results of the study provide organisations with an understanding of the expectations of young professionals. I am committed to ensuring that companies engage in an open dialogue based on the typical expectations, attitudes, values and behaviours of young talents, so that employee-employer relationships are promising for all parties from the outset.

Wir sind erfahren, verlässlich sowie fokussiert auf gute Ergebnisse und wissen es zu schätzen, mit großartigen Kunden zusammenzuarbeiten.

"Today's young people are the foundation of tomorrow's world of work."

Stereotypes and Generation Z

Stereotypes can (unfortunately) also be found in generational research. Stereotypical thinking is based on unfounded empirical data about today's generations. This often leads to general recommendations for HR management, and companies wonder why the new HR tools that are being touted do not work.

Some of these stereotypes may be entertaining, but there is certainly some truth in others. Here are some examples:

  • Work/life separation
  • Sustainability - there is no Planet B
  • Netflixing
  • Travelling
  • Digital natives
  • Curling parents

Is there really a universal pattern for a cohort as large and diverse as Generation Z (12,5 Mio. in Germany)? No!

My collaboration partner

Being a 'pracademic' means having a foot in two worlds: academia and practice. I'm really pleased that the University of Worcester has provided me with the opportunity to do just that. My supervisor, Professor Dr. Robin Bell, is always there to support and guide me.

My work at the Worcester Business school:

  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Business and Management (since 2023)
  • Graduation Doctor of Business Administration 2023
  • Organisation of the virtual writing group (since 2023)
  • Guest lecturer: Business in Germany (since 2020) 
  • Completion of teaching level March: Upper second class honours performance (2020)
  • Student representative (since 2019)