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Work, private, self – towards an integrative framework of accountability: the case of low-status expatriates in precarious employment
Joshua Haist, Philipp Kurth, Annica Lau, Monique Ritter & Samuel Hofmann
Expatriates in low-status occupations feel less accountable to their employers or individuals within their organisations, but face strong accountability from multiple stakeholders outside their organisations.These work-related and personal accountabilities intersect, leading to higher accountability intensity and potential stress. Our research highlights the unique impact of private life accountabilities and the detrimental effects that precarious work practices can have on employees' health and well-being, as well as on the organisation.
Open access!
So klappt es auf dem Arbeitsmarkt
Annica Lau und Simone Oppermann (2024)
Der heutige Arbeitsmarkt ist anspruchsvoll, nicht zuletzt durch den Fachkräftemangel. Mit der richtigen Vorbereitung finden Unternehmen und Bewerbende den passenden Match.
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Beschäftigung und Bindung von Berufseinsteigern
Wie Career Boarding Unternehmen und Talente zusammenführt
Annica Lau (2024)
In deutschen Unternehmen steigt die Mitarbeiterfluktuation – die emotionale Bindung der Arbeitnehmer ist auf einem Tiefpunkt. Dabei ist das Recruiting von Neueinsteigern teurer als das Halten und Entwickeln von Mitarbeitern. Deshalb setzen Unternehmen nun verstärkt darauf, junge Talente zu binden. Career Boarding, ein Prozess zur Abstimmung der Erwartungen mit den Unternehmenszielen, stärkt die emotionale Bindung der Berufseinsteiger.
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In Pursuit of Impact: How Psychological Contract Research Can Make the Work-World a Better Place
Johannes M. Kraak, Samantha D. Hansen, Yannick Griep, Sudeshna Bhattacharya, Neva Bojovic, Marjo-Riitta Diehl, Kayla Evans, Jesse Fenneman, Iqra Ishaque Memon, Marion Fortin, Annica Lau, Hugh Lee, Junghyun Lee, Xander Lub, Ines Meyer, Marc Ohana, Pascale Peters, Denise M. Rousseau, René Schalk, Rosalind H. Searle, Ultan Sherman, and Amanuel Tekleab (2024)
This paper is the result of the collective work undertaken by a group of Psychological Contract (PC) and Sustainability scholars from around theworld, following the 2023 Bi- Annual PC Small Group Conference (Kedge Business School, Bordeaux, France). As part of the conference, scholars engaged in a workshop designed to generate expert guidance on how to aid the PC field to be better aligned with the needs of practice, and thus, impact the creation and maintenance of high-quality and sustainable exchange processes at work. In accordance with accreditation bodies for higher education, research impact is not limited to academic papers alone but also includes practitioners, policymakers, and students in its scope. This papertherefore incorporates elements from an impact measurement tool for higher education in management so as to explore how PC scholars can bolster the beneficial influence of PC knowledge on employment relationships through different stakeholders and means. Accordingly, our proposals for the pursuit of PC impact are organized in three parts: (1) research, (2) practice and society, and (3) students. Further, this paper contributes to the emerging debate on sustainable PCs by developing a construct definition and integrating PCs with an ‘ethics of care’ perspective
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Collecting qualitative data via video statements in the digital era
Annica Lau & May Bratby (2023)
Qualitative research in organisational studies is evolving with the digital era, introducing video methods to capture complex participant interactions and non-verbal cues. Video statements emerge as a novel, efficient technique for data collection, allowing participants to self-record their experiences and produce multimodal data remotely. This approach yields authentic insights into organisational phenomena and supports richer knowledge production in business and management research.
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Time to say Goodbye - Die Promotion loslassen
Annica Lau & Jutta Wergen (2023)
Promotion loslassen? Warum mir das so schwer gefallen ist - darüber spricht Dr. Jutta Wergen von Coachingzonen mit mir. Man denkt, man ist darauf vorbereitet, aber wenn es soweit ist, fühlt es sich doch anders an. 😔
In der Episode teile ich, wie ich meinen Job aufgab, um mich voll und ganz dem Endspurt der Dissertation zu widmen. 🎓✨ Wir diskutieren über meine Forschung über Erwartungen von Berufseinsteigern. Ihr erfahrt, welche Pläne ich nach der Promotion hatte und warum ich nie in Rente gehen will. 💼💫 Ich erzählte von meinen Herausforderungen, dem Wert wissenschaftlicher Expertise in der Praxis und wie ich meine Vielfalt als Bereicherung sehe. 🌍🔍💡
Damals war ich auf dem Weg eine echte PrakAdemikerin zu werden! 😉📈
Heute bin ich es mit voller Passion! #pracademic 🌟👩💼
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Investigating young professionals’ psychological contracts to advance human-centred human resources management strategies: A multi-method qualitative research
Annica Lau (2023)
The future of work is rapidly evolving due to shrinking labour markets, uncertainties, technological advancements, the impact of COVID-19, and significant demographic shifts, particularly with the entrance of young professionals into the workforce, who bring unique attitudes and expectations. Employers are challenged to adapt by developing new strategies to attract, nurture, and retain these young professionals, focusing on creating sustainable workplaces where less emphasis is placed on formal contracts and more on understanding and managing the unwritten expectations of working relationships, known as the psychological contract (PC). This thesis explores how young professionals' PCs are formed and suggests that to achieve organizational success, a human-centred HRM approach should include targeted knowledge transfer and an appreciative work environment, moving towards a comprehensive integration process that aligns with the dynamic expectations of today’s entering workforce.
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Motto bei LPKF:
Geteilte Freude ist doppelte Freude
Annica Lau (2020)
Innerhalb von nur fünf Wochen ist es der LPKF Laser & Electronics AG gelungen, ein Mitarbeiteraktienprogramm einzuführen und dabei die Hälfte der Mitarbeiter in Deutschland für ihre Aktien zu begeistern. Als nächster Schritt steht nun die Einführung in allen ausländischen Standorten an